Monday, July 11, 2016

Oranges & Health Benefits By:Kali MacArthur

                           About Oranges
Latin Name: Citrus Sinensis

Common Name: Sweet Orange, Orange

Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world, because its known for its tasty, juicy fruit that belongs in the rutaceae plant family. Orange is one of the most important & widely  grown fruit crops in the world. Orange trees are widely cultivated in tropical & subtropical climates for its tasty juice & medicinal value. Orange trees are mostly cultivated & rarely found in the forests. Oranges were first cultivated in Southern China  & Northeastern India. Spaniards introduced the sweet orange into South America & Mexico in the Mid 16th century. In 1646, orange was well known in Europe. Oranges were introduced in Florida by a Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon in 1753 & were indtroduced to Hawaii in 1792. Americans did not include oranges as part of their regular diets around the 19th century. Not that Oranges are not just popular, but they are also abundant in anti- oxidants & vitamin- C. Oranges also lowers your cholesterol levels.

                               The Health Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

1.Provides relief from inflammation.

2.Relaxes muscular & nervous system.

3.Inhibits microbial growth & disinfects pf wounds

4.It boosts your immune system

5.It Alleviates anxiety, anger & depression

6.It cures acne & dermatitis

7.Promotes urination

8.It eliminates toxins

9.Treats constipation

10. Rich in anti- oxidant property

11.Rich in Vitamin C

12. It protects against cardiovascular disease

13. Oranges detoxifies the enzymes.

14.It reduces your risk of kidney stones

15.Oranges fight diabeties

                                          Oranges Health Effects

Some individuals might be allergic to oranges. The signs that you might be allergic to Oranges is yellowing of the skin of limbs & sleepiness. If you are putting an orange essential oil on your skin when the sun is out, it is photo- toxic meaning you can burn when you are putting the oil without being diluted when you are in the sun. When Oranges taste bitter you might feel nauseated & can have a feeling for the lost of appetite.


Oranges has wonderful reputation of its medicinal & nutritional values all over the world. Orange is used in a wide variety of usage in the world besides food & medicinal uses, its used in soaps, lotions, soft drinks & air freshener's in the home.

Reference &

   The Price on the Sweet Essential oil is $5.99 on Amazon     Sweet Orange Essential Oil. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade 223468-20 Sweet Orange Soap - Moisturizing 100% Pure Botanical Soap 8 oz ( 2-4 oz Bar Pack )from Creation Farm

$8.95 on Amazon

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